Sunday, April 21, 2013

“Gaming as an escape from reality”

Gaming has managed to be a very important issue in our society, there are millions of gamers in the world an there are huge companies dedicated to design the games that we play. We can find gamers all over the world and their ages vary from 6 to 35 years old. Gaming lets us be immersed into a new reality, a video game reality where we can have a good time and forget about real world issues.

Gamming has transformed into a way of escaping reality, a way of forgetting any trouble that torments you, a way of forgetting your real life and converting it into a new life where you command what happens.

It’s true that games help people by being a way of stress relief and as a way of liberating emotions ant it is all right while we leave it like that, for example have you ever came home from school, just after a test and you only want to play videogames? This is because games are an open door for liberating emotions.

A game as stress relief is good for people only if it is in a controlled way. We should use videogames for liberating emotions but we should not let games be our emotion, I mean we shouldn’t let games transform our personality and build it as a character of the game. Have you ever seen someone dressing as a character of a game? Probably no but there are cases all over the world where kids try to become a character of a game by changing his way of living, personality, etc.

You’ll probably think why do these kids dress as characters and imitate them? Don’t they have their own personality? Well this is easily answered in one word addiction to games. Excessive game playing can cause physical damage as malnutrition, but also it can affect a kid in a phisicologicall way, it may transform the kid.

Bulling is also one of the main reasons way kids try to escape reality, those kids that suffer from bullying are more susceptible to become addicted to video games and to be immersed by this games reality. As these kids see a hostile society, they try to find another place where to be happy, they try to find another place where they can control the situations and transform them as they wish. This is way video games reality is preferred by bullied kids rather than real life.  

As a conclusion games are a very effective way of stress relief but we shouldn’t let them change your personality, you shouldn’t let them be you. Also there must be control over kids an addiction to games, parents must control the quantity of hours a kid plays.

Thank you very much any question?

Gaming as an escape from reality


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Gaming as an escape from reality

This week we’ve being watching the movie “Play”, this video refers mainly to video games and how people interact with them. The importance of this video is that it shows many problems (subtopics) regarding the games world, we can see gamers not recognizing reality or having aggressive actions. But the subtopic I want to talk about is: Gaming as an escape from reality.

Subtopic: Gaming as an escape from reality.

Text type: Talk

Other sources of information:

-video games an escape from reality

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Quote analysis

“Advertising is everywhere you look, whether it is in the newspaper you pick up daily or on that billboard you see while driving down the highway. Some people may say that they are not in fact influenced by the advertising that is thrown at them each day, and that they do not fall into it, but everyone does.”
Advertisement in fact is everywhere we look; it has become an essential part of our life and society. This instrument is crucial for publicity as by this method the consumers get to know information about the products, we can know easily what the product consist of, and why we should buy it. Also publicity let as easily compare products from different companies so we can buy the one we like the most. I think advertisement is an excellent method of communicating buyers with sellers and plays a strategic role in our consumerist economy.

Although advertisement is important for buying products, we cannot let it control our life style. This publicity method has slowly change its orientation, the commercial are imposing a way of life instead of making people buy their products. Publicity is showing what society thinks is the ideal citizen, privating as from our freedom of choosing how to live.

I think advertisement is important and very useful for our society only if it doesn’t impose a way of living and doesn’t make as “fall into it”.